

Chronic Vag Infections

What should you do when your vagina isn’t your friend? Many of us have recurrent yeast and bacterial vaginosis infections, causing vagina havers to suffer, normally in silence. In this class learn:

  • What yeast infections and BV are
  • Steps to ensure better general vaginal health
  • How to end chronic vaginal infections once and for all and become friends again with your vagina!


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About the expert

Takiya Sakina Ballard

Takiya Sakina Ballard is a Certified Nurse Midwife who partners with birthing families to inspire them to become savvy birthers. She’s spent nearly two decades as a midwife with nearly 1000 births in the hospital, birth center, and home. Takiya is the voice of the new podcast “The Savvy Black Birther” and a consultant to BIPOC birthing families seeking advocacy support and education. She is also a mentor to aspiring healthcare professionals through her mentorship program via Sakina Health, a virtual health service. 

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