

LGBTQ+ Healing Trauma

If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, relationships might be different, and identities might be different, but the trauma and healing are still the same. This class is a safe space with other LGBTQ+ folks who have experienced trauma. In it, you will learn about: 

  • What sexual assault is and common responses to trauma
  • Possible interventions
  • What triggers are


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About the expert

Jimanekia Eborn

Jimanekia Eborn is a Queer Media Consultant, Comprehensive Sex Educator, and Sexual Assault & Trauma Expert. With a Masters in Health Psychology, she has worked in mental health for the past 12 years in sex education and sexual trauma support. Jimanekia is the host of Trauma Queen – a podcast mini-series for survivors of assault and our allies. She is also the Founder of Tending The Garden, a healing retreat for survivors of assault.

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