

Say Goodbye to UTIs

UTIs are a painful and very common problem, with an estimated 50 – 60 % of vulva-havers and 12% of penis-havers getting one in their lifetime. For most, they’re short-lived, but for some, the problem can be recurrent, sometimes lasting years. But no more! In this class, learn:

  • Exactly what UTIs are, how they occur, signs and symptoms of a UTI
  • How to practice good urinary health and prevent UTIs
  • How to obtain adequate treatment to cure an acute vs. recurrent urinary tract infection!


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About the expert

Takiya Sakina Ballard

Takiya Sakina Ballard is a Certified Nurse Midwife who partners with birthing families to inspire them to become savvy birthers. She’s spent nearly two decades as a midwife with nearly 1000 births in the hospital, birth center, and home. Takiya is the voice of the new podcast “The Savvy Black Birther” and a consultant to BIPOC birthing families seeking advocacy support and education. She is also a mentor to aspiring healthcare professionals through her mentorship program via Sakina Health, a virtual health service. 

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